Huge demonstrations in London the luvvy media want to downplay on behalf of globalists and the CCP.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Apr 26, 2021

50,000 plus people showed up to show they don't approve what the govt is doing to the UK.
People are waking up to the collusion of govts and sinister globalists, and probably the CCPs, in an effort to take away our rights and freedoms pretending it's for our own good.
Part of the collisions the global MSN who won't report on it in a fair objective manner. Even if they do they are using pejorative terms like far right and conspiracy theorists.
It's great to see the numbers growing where it makes the police think twice about using violence with the media on hand to demonise the demonstrators as violent groups bent on destruction; things they never say about Antifa or BLM violence and looting!
Follow the link for James Delingpole's article in Breitbart below.
"WATCH: Many Thousands Rally In London Against Vaccine Passports"

And this is the state of policing in London now under Sadiq Khan.
And this....

And this just in...huge numbers. See how the media are lying to us by the omission of truth.

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