New hate laws in NZ to strip away our freedoms of speech. NZ is fast becoming a police state.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Apr 17, 2021

Dear leader is doing great service to her paymasters George Soros and Klaus Schwab among others. She wants NZ to become the first First world country to become a totalitarian, fascist police state.
Most know nothing about it because the media are paid via conditions of signing the Global Compact to say nothing, hide the truth if you like, or they lose their annual hundreds of millions funding from the tax payers they are happy to lie too.
Soon enough this video will become a crime in NZ.
If you want to join the fight against this insanity then check out #FONNZA below.
As an addition to this video. Here is an article by NZs furthest left wing white supremacist hunter, Marc Daalder.
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