Real Independence


Foundational Future


Published on Sep 19, 2013

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Orania is a private town in South Africa. In contrast to the violence-plagued country that surrounds it, Orania enjoys peace and prosperity. Its motto is "Working for freedom." The town leaders hope one day to become an independent state. Toward that end, Orania already circulates its own currency, the Ora.

The people of Orania embody the sort of independence, self-reliance, and love of freedom that libertarians celebrate. What kind of libertarian wouldn't?

Well, some self-described libertarians are ambivalent or even hostile to the notion of proprietary communities. Libertarian open-borders universalists assert a positive right of anyone to migrate anywhere, while simultaneously claiming to be defenders of property rights. The existence of private towns such as Orania forces libertarians who assert a positive right to migrate into an ideological dilemma. Do they seek to impose open immigration into these jurisdictions? Or do they defend the right of communities to be selective about who gets in?

If your conception of liberty is grounded in private property rights that fully honor freedom of association and disassociation, then you should endorse full self-determination for private communities. That means the right of Oranians to exclude people from the state and the surrounding populations from which they seek total separation. To work against their ambitions of being independent is to work against freedom.

Orania: South Africa's whites only town

The Principle of Self-Determination