Do You Suffer From Vaccine Mania & Vitriol Disorder (VMVD)?


Maryam Henein


Published on Feb 7, 2020


The following PUBLIC SERVICE Announcement is a spoof on the Ministry of Truth’s latest Wikipedia Entry on “Vaccine Hesitancy,” a condition that does not even exist.

Functional medicine practitioners and Medical Freedom Fighters have identified VMVD as one of the top 10 global threats in human history EVER, violating the Nuremberg Code & common sense.

Symptoms Are As Follows:
*Do you have an allergic reaction to real science, logic or empirical data?
*Do you find yourself wanting to rage against another human, realize it's a mom with a maimed child, & then do it anyway? Do you sometimes carry out these acts for $$$?
* Do you love red herrings & ad hominem attacks? And surround your life with illogical fallacies?
*Do you make Tik Tok videos in your spare time to inject lies about vaccines into the collective?
*Do you think the govt. should have jurisdiction over humans?
*Do you secretly get a proverbial erection whenever the MSM gets wind of a new mysterious outbreak?
* If you suffer from VMVD), you’ll be thrilled to know that Big Harma is fast-tracking a vaccine for suffers. It likely wont work and will make you worse. But in the world, I’d like to live in you are free to turn yourself into a pincushion. Just don’t force others to do the same.

Maryam Henein, investigative journalist. OVER AND OUT

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