Refugees allowed to stay whatever crimes they commit. Why don't govts tell the UN to get lost?


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Oct 16, 2019

Just a couple of examples of the stupidity of New Zealand's govt when it comes to refugees who commit multiple crimes, yet are still allowed to stay because of their 'Protective Person status'.
But this kind of thing isn't exclusive to New Zealand. All western govts seem to fall under the spell of the UN and multi billionairs activists bent on western destruction like George Soros to name one.
Democracy is dead now and only the allusion of the democratic process is being delivered.
No matter who we vote in power they seem to do what the UN tell them and ignore the people who voted them in power.
So why aren't investigative journalists and legacy media asking these questions of these lying politicians?
These politicians seem to get an easy ride for doing what they're doing, and then tell their lies all over again nearer the next election.
Never held to account by anyone they are brazen in their duplicity.
This govt we have in New Zealand seem hellbent on destroying this country on behalf of the UN and damn the people of this country's concerns.
The legacy media is bought and paid for in New Zealand by the govt, via our taxes, to dish out their propaganda ie lie and brainwash the population and brand anyone against it as far right and racist.
This is all done by design by a marxist/communist/Islamist UN to destroy the west via mass migration from the third world to our world. All of these migrants will have 'protected person status', and criticizing this will become a hate crime via the UN global compact on migration.
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