Christchurch walkabout. People living on the street. Why did soldiers bother fighting for cowards?


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Aug 18, 2019

Please share this video as it's quite eye opening into downtown Christchurch.

I took a stroll in Christchurch city centre today and decided to make a video. There's lots of homeless people In Christchurch that doesn't seem to get much attention from the media nor this oh so virtuous prime minister.

Nothing to gain by Jacinda fixing problems in New Zealand when the UN's gaze is fixed only on the middle east and Africa. Plus these people living in cardboard boxes in Christchurch are the wrong religion and therefore not newsworthy for her or the MSM.

A walk around the Bridge of Remembrance, I ask "Was the sacrifice worth it for them who died for our freedoms, that this govt now wants to take away?"

And would you want your kids to go fight a war now that these liars, cowards and quislings will send them? You'd know that any war fought now is to serve Marxist and globalist ideals and will almost certainly not be in the nation's interest, because they don't believe in nations nor nationalism.

Globalists, Marxists, and political Islamists are in an unholy alliance to destroy all what we hold dear, especially our freedoms.
Their enemy is people who are telling the truth, the populists, like myself and many more YouTubers around the world who they're doing their best to deplatform and defame as racists, far right, Trump supporters.
We are being deceiving by people who lied to get power then do as the UN tell them to do.
Democracy has been used to destroy democracy.

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And a big thankyou to them who've already contributed.

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