Soundtrack/trailer TYSKUNGARNA/KISS OF WAR. :'( (ϟ Hildegard ϟ) (ϟ Hildegard ϟ) (ϟ Hildegard ϟ)




Published on Aug 31, 2017


This is from the soundtrack of the documentary "KISS OF WAR - the children of the hated" The film will be released in late 2015. The song Northern Lights is composed and performed by Clara Rudelius.
Music production: Pama Studios, Kristianopel by Tobbe Löfqvist.

“To believe these children will become decent citizens is to believe rats in the cellar will become house pets.” These words by psychiatrist Johan Riis in 1945 are still echoing on the shadier side of Norwegian history and the way they’ve been treating their war children.
“The rats” were the children with Norwegian Aryan mothers and German fathers. About 12 000 children were born in Norway during WW2, fathered by German soldiers. Born into a life in shame facing the vengeance of the entire nation. They were raped, beaten and bullied. They were publicly vilified by the government, who tried to deport them to Australia after the war. A sliver of a generation being the target of the “Post-War-German-Hate”, bearing the shame of being the result of forbidden love, still fighting for the right to exist.


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