San Diego Tea Party Leader Railroaded - Charged with Rape, Kidnapping (Mike Kobulnicky)


Patriot Fire


Published on Mar 25, 2012

Michael Kobulnicky, a leading member of the San Diego Tea Party is being railroaded by local law enforcement and crucified by the broadcast media. Much of the media is so overjoyed at the prospect of having a Tea Partier, who is a violent criminal that they did not bother to wait until they have all the facts to convict them in their kangaroo court of public opinion.

The victim in this clip states that the rapist was not Mike Kobulnicky. Mike has been jailed for 10 days already for a crime that even the victim says he did not commit. Local Tea Partiers in San Diego demanded that Kobulnicky be released immediately.

The DA and the media were eager to lynch Kobulnicky for political reasons. He faced 25 years to life on one charge and 25 years each for three other charges. He faced life in prison, simple for being a Tea Partier, who was falsely accused.

The victim eventually denied the crime even happened, but the news of Mike's exoneration was not reported internationally, as the original charges were.

The real San Diego Tea Party, to their credit, stood by Mike and helped obtain his release. The San Diego Tea Party is a Meetup group with about 1,200 members. Members did this interview as evidence, after the recantations of the accuser were ignored by the DA and media.

It was widely misreported by Gateway Pundit and elsewhere that San Diego Tax Revolt is "the" San Diego Tea Party. SoCal Tax Revolt is "a" Tea Party organization in San Diego, one of several, but not the leading Tea Party.

For more information, go to this link.

San Diego Tea Party (Meetup Group)

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