[HCQ] vs the Media, Looking @ the VA Study. Gilead’s Remdesivir the Media’s Darling. Contact Tracing




Published on May 2, 2020

#HCQ #AAPS #GovernorDucey #Gilead
The corporate media is in sync yet again. This time in the mutual hate for the Hydroxychloroquine treatment of COVID_19. First, we’ll look at the recommended treatment regimen from the many doctors using it with success. Then, we’ll explore the importance of zinc and time of intervention with the treatment. We’ll talk about the letter that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons recently wrote Governor Ducey, strongly asking for him to withdrawal his insane EO banning it’s use in AZ. Next, the infamous VA study claiming that HCQ had no/or worse effects than no treatment. The devil is in the details of this study, and I’m afraid it’s a bit more insidious than bad science. The author of the VA study received several grants from Gilead the company that manufacturers Remdesivir - a drug that’s patent hasn’t expired, so will no doubt be pushed as THE treatment until the famed incoming vaccine. Lastly, we’ll look at “contact tracing, and that the powers that be think about this subject in the context of our future rights to privacy. Bill Clinton wants a “medical corps” to be created in the name of this plan. Where do every day Americans draw the line I wonder? -M

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/circuses/



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