AOC Simply Blames Wealth & Wealthy People For All The Suffering Of The World


Conservative Resurgence


Published on Jan 22, 2020

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In a recent interview with the overrated Ta-Nehisi Coates, AOC sat down to discuss a variety of issues. At one point, she let it be known that the Democrat party is a “center conservative” party, leaving many to wonder what universe she inhabits.

But it was another comment that caught my eye.

To be ethical you need to give up control and power. So I don’t want your money as much as we want your power. The people, not me.

Holy Freudian slip Batman. I like how she tried to recover by saying she really meant “the people” after she proclaimed that “we want your power” to those who don’t long for the days of bread lines and concrete cubicles as apartments.

The thing is, she meant every word of it. This is why communism (and even more meager forms of socialism) always fail. It is a system that simply can not exist without placing the power of the people into the hands of centralized tyrants. AOC sees herself as the one holding the power while she dictates to the little people. It’s all very convenient for her. Socialism for thee but not for me and all that.

This also gives us a hint as to why AOC never forcefully condemns socialists like Castro and Maduro. Because she sees herself as making common cause with them with just a few tweaks. The problem is that the tweaks aren’t possible without a forceful, violent government hand. Every murderous socialist regime started with some grifter promising to hand power back “to the people.”

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