The Coming CataClysm-The Event that Will Destroy the World (2025-2045)(That NOBODY is talking about


Peter Sutherland


Published on Jul 6, 2023

FACT-----Over the next 20 Years there will Dramatic Population Changes unlike anything we have seen in all of recorded Human History. These Massive Demographic Changes will produce massive conflicts, Death and Destruction. They may very well precipitate the Collapse of Our Modern High Tech Civilization (Just as they ALREADY have in Nations like South Africa and others) .

This Event .....WILL.... End the World as We Know !
(and may well prove to be an Existential Event for most of the world ?)

This Coming World will be unlike anything You have ever known (or anything Any Human has ever known). Nearly the Entire World will likely live in "diverse" / "Multi-Cultural" War Zone in a Decaying Ruin with multiple Ethnic Groups/Religions/Races Fighting for sectarian power and basic resources. Even maintaining anything close to the Modern Society we have today will likely be impossible

BTW---"Diversity" is NOT a "strength" its THE SOURCE of Nearly ALL CONFLICT and WAR (and has been throughout 5000 years of recorded Human History!) (Dont think so ? GO READ SOME BOOKS.) (Or Turn on the news and take a look at France burning to the ground).

Just 4 Decades ago South Africa was a fully modern First World, High Tech Nation and the people there lived fully modern lives.Just 30 years later they struggle to survive in a lawless Dark land without basic services! Even basics like electrical power and food and even Water are in question, ( BTW The ONLY THING stopping Every "diverse" Majority City in the USA from the same is the still functioning broader (Non-'diverse") Country around them that supports them)

The Largest Genocide in Human History is taking place right right now.

It is widely reported that in less than 40 years there will not be ....ONE....Majority White Western Nation left in the entire (once totally White) Western World. The Irish a Minority in Ireland, The British a Minority in Briton,The Italians a Minority in Italy, The Greeks a Minority in Greece!

***I made this video to encourage YOU to Prepare now because unlike all of the other Million "events" that people Constantly talk about this Event WILL COME and we even know the specific time frame. Please take the time to prepare Now. Thank You all and God Bless.

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