Why Donald Trump Won | Bill Mitchell and Stefan Molyneux


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Nov 10, 2016

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Defying the mainstream media and most polling data, Donald J. Trump was elected as the next President of the United States on November 8th. How could all the mainstream polls and pundits get this so wrong? Bill Mitchell joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss how he was able to see through the manipulations of the media, the Anti-Donald bias in polling and what we can expect from the new President-Elect moving forward.

Bill Mitchell is the host and creator of YourVoice Radio and one most influential non-candidates in social media the election cycle - with close to 150,000 Twitter followers and millions of impressions daily.

Follow Bill on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mitchellvii
YourVoice Radio: http://www.yourvoiceradio.com

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