MI6's Skripal Psychological Warfare Operation: Novichok, Salisbury, Viktoria, Yulia




Published on Apr 7, 2018

Viktoria, Yulia Skripal's cousin, denied visa to come to Britain;  anomalies in
Skripal story; Boris Johnson, 22nd March on Deutsche Welle, saying DSTL
Porton Down told him 'there was no doubt' it was Russia; Gary Aitkenhead,
director of Porton Down, on Sky, they can't say Novichok was from Russia –
there isn't an antidote – probably only a state could produce it; Anne Applebaum
on Russia's 'confusion tactics' – information warfare – chemical weapons
attacks in Syria; UN Security Council (UNSC) Kelly Currie from USA – 'Russian
political games' – psychological warfare, different media; UNSC Karen Pierce
from UK – 'Russian arsonist investigating their own fire'; UNSC Vassily
Nebenzia from Russia – 'theatre of absurd' – Operation Beluga to discredit
Putin; Craig Murray – Sky recorded but wouldn't upload interview – RT
interviews him – it was Craig's story that Porton Down couldn't identify
Novichok as Russian – organic chemists make Novichok; Skripal worked with
Orbis, Christopher Steele and Russiagate, Orbis Business Intelligence
privatised security, plausible deniability for MI6; networks of ex-secret service
and secret societies.

6th April 2018 - thisweek.org.uk - Martin Summers Tony Gosling

It is obvious the charges by the UK against Russia about this "poisoning" incident are false, and expose a deeper strategy of deceit to obtain political objectives. the British government is refusing to answer any questions, provide any material, invite international scientific inspections, and have tried to emotionally hyperventilate this fake story into a nightmare reality. Why? The Globalist UK-EU-US-SOROS types are desperate to ignite a war in order to hide in its flames. The "psychological operation" seems to be attempting to achieve the following objectives:

1) the political-career stabilization of the establishment Prime Minister Theresa May, who has been slipping into madness and oblivion since BREXIT;

2) the demonization of Russia as an easy enemy that distracts the public away from the slow destruction of civil liberties and rights and freedoms by the rising police state;

3) the cultivation and preparation of the public mind to be receptive to increased domination and control by the government;

4) the expansion of the "chemical weapon" narrative as a potential threat against "New York", as claimed by US UN Rep Nikki Haley, as well as other UK-US-NATO members;

5) the potential "suspension" of the BREXIT and European Union break-up using this incident as a "call to reverse course and re-integrate the European Union with Britain and France as a matter of "continental security against Russia";

6) the manipulation of American President Donald Trump to buy in and partner in the lie, and participate in the political war as a pre-text for the military one brewing;

7) justify increased military movement of weapons into Ukraine, Syria, and Yemen to try and counter Russia-Iran's success in the Syrian war against Wahhabi-Saudi-Israeli terrorists pushing ISIS/AL NUSRA to try and destabilize Syrian President Bashar Assad;

Cool The blow back will be a separation of the thinking people from the mindless idiots in society, and an increase in social distrust and hostility towards the politicians and media and government institutions fomenting instability and the destruction of personal civil liberty through manufactured national hysteria. Essentially they've cried wolf far too many times to be given any respect by intelligent, honest citizens.

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