SJW Feminists Chant Allahu Akbar at " Women's March " In Berlin


Matthew North


Published on Jan 29, 2017

Who's behind "hate speech laws"
This clip from a "women's march" against Trump in Berlin shows feminists chanting and singing "Allahu Akbar" and "Pussy grabs back". They also held signs demanding an "end to white supremacy" and that "Donald Trump is not [their] president". The protest was likely organized by a subsidiary of George Soros' Open Society foundation. These types of protesters in Germany, who call themselves "anti-fascists", receive hourly wages to wreak havoc and protest for globalist agendas. Indoctrinated college students follow whatever they are directed towards, hence feminism in Germany apparently now means chanting "Allahu Akbar" and makes young German girls cry tears of joy.

Usually I don't comment too much on the stories, but the irony of demanding Islam to replace "white supremacy" and praising Allah as a so-called "feminist" is just too good. They are also absolutely correct to assume that Donald Trump is not their president, since probably none of them are U.S. citizens.

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