The right of centre parties need to unite together to stop globalism and their servile fake leaders.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Jul 15, 2019

Right across the western world, with some exceptions, it seems leaders have been elected by democratic means, but once in power they betray the promises they were elected on.
One could argue that there's some kind of international corruption where outside help has got people into power via nefarious means to serve only the globalist cause of a borderless world.
The UN global compact has been signed by the vast majority of nations, but not one single nation asked its people via a referendum.
They knew what the answer would be so instead decided to deceive their own nations by signing up to hand their nation's sovereignty to the UN. What kind if leadership does such a treasonous act upon their own nation?
In New Zealand much like all other signatories to this duplicitous act if treachery have duped their own people, and doing exactly what the compact says, getting the media to promote it, and besmirch genuinely concerned citizens as far right and white supremacist.
New Zealand has a few 'right of centre' political parties, but none will get beyond the 5% threshold. They have to come together as one block to have any chance of being a political force to be able to challenge both Labour and National to govern this country for the 'people of this country.'

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Please watch the video and share it far and wide. We on the right need to come as one.

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