RIOTS & RNC Give Trump a Bump:Polls show Biden lead dwindling as Dem infight over lawless Dem cities


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Sep 1, 2020

RIOTS & RNC Convention give Trump a bump- the polls show Biden lead dwindling as DEMOCRAT infighting intensifies over lawless Democrat cities and what to do about it. So Biden now blames Trump for his & Kamala's VOTERS burning up city blocks across America. Really Joe? And now you try to steal the thunder & falsely claim that you are the Law & Order candidate!

You really must think the American people are stupid. Well, they are not and it is showing up in the polls. Several polls (even CNN & other liberal based polls) show Biden's lead giving way in the key battleground swing states to within the margin of error as President Trump percentages are now higher than they were against Hillary at this same time of the year in 2016.

Looks like at the latter stages of this campaign that Socialist- Marxist anarchists in BLM/ANTIFA etc. are giving Joe a black eye. These evil minions are in fact a major segment of Joe Biden's voting block. It was Obama & Kamala Harris who just recently signaled their agitators on the streets to KEEP PROTESTING - "peacefully" of course. But the protests have never been peaceful & they know it. Fact is, the level of violence against peace loving, law abiding citizens keeps increasing as Democrat rioters and protesters become more unruly shooting to death an unarmed young Christian man - a Trump supporter in Portland Oregon- execution style.

You, Joe, also blame President Trump for the riots and burning of our cities- these are DEMOCRAT controlled cities and YOUR VOTERS. So after 3 months of silence now you come out as some big law & order guy? Really? You blamed Trump for a China Virus that you & your Obama Administration funded in part (via horrible trade deals and joint research microbial-bio engineering and aero-virological BSL Level 4 projects) helped to create the Red China bomb VIRUS !

How dare you? How many more lies and treacherous & duplicitous actions will you take before America wakes up to see that you & Socialist Kamala are totally corrupt & incapable of ever leading this great country.

You don't care about the American people but you will take any path to power that you can. You and Kamala have zero vision, character or integrity needed for this high office. Your incompetence, greed & lust for power at a costs would devastate our great Nation in a short time if God forbid, you were ever to deceive Americans into voting you into office.



Federico Cardella
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