JUST IN: Biden to Defund Law & Order. SAVE 911. Vote Trump & save our noble POLICE


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Jul 5, 2020

JUST IN: No of course. Don't call 911 unless you have a real emergency. Our fine law enforcement have enough burden on them from the left wing media, Biden and the treasonous anti-law Demoncrats. . Biden has just cowered again to the likes of Ocasio Cortez the Communista and her left band of radically left, Democrat thugs. Phony polls right now show him leading President Trump. If it were true, law abiding peace loving citizens of all races and stripes need to call 911#TRUMP 2020 for urgent help ASAP. There is no other choice for our nation's leader if America is to survive victorious against this vicious Domestic & foreign Marxist attack from within and without.
TRUMP 2020!
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Federico Cardella

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