Assange is a Limited Hangout


Amino's Truth 2


Published on Apr 16, 2019

Assange and WikiLeaks fail to pass the smell test! In addition to the points raised in the video, this is the evidence that demonstrates Assange is a limited hangout:

- Assange denies 9/11 truth: "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."
- He is linked with Cass Sunstein and Alan Dershowitz. Two confirmed globalist elite's.
- He never impugns Israel’s criminal record even though it is long and has surely been distributed to parties who feel great enmity towards the Jewish state.
- He never censures organised Jewry, the Rothschilds or the global banking system.
- The Pizzagate psyop originated from WikiLeaks.
- He is a (((MSM))) darling!

WikiLeaks serves the pernicious establishment as a limited hangout/cointelpro to distract, disorientate and deflect attention away from the history shaping events and protected individuals. It is the Hegelian dialectic strategy and contrived Tavistock cybernetics, deployed against the people in order to convince them that the illusion is real. The gullible public perceive WikiLeaks as a noble force of justice and truth but it is in actual fact a honey trap and a psyop to achieve the aforementioned.

WikiLeaks has a 100% accurate track record because it is the mechanism used to dispense inert truth and that which the establishment asserts can pose as no threat to its control. These 'leaks' have the appearance of being significant and ground breaking but never actually result in any substantial change, no big arrests, no illegal wars thwarted, no revolutions ignited, no change to the global system of usury and elitism! Can it really be believed that if Assange and WikiLeaks posed such a significant threat to the status quo that they wouldn't have been dealt with swiftly and permanently long ago, likely even before they became a household name and a constantly promoted news topic?

Most people have never heard of Cass Sunstein and his relationship to Obama and the US establishment, but he was instrumental in the formation of WikiLeaks. Alan Dershowitz is another high profile globalist and has had significant involvement with the US Gov and global oligarchy but he has also represented Assange and WikiLeaks as legal counsel on more than one occasion.

When Assange was ‘evicted’, take note of the '33' on the two pillars (Jachin & Boaz) on the arch to the entrance of the embassy. This is a Masonic signature and statement of involvement.

The book he was holding, ‘Gore Vidal: History of The National Security State & Vidal on America’ was perfectly positioned and framed for the watchful (((press))). To think the police allowed him to remain holding this as he was cuffed is ridiculous. They would have never permitted him to carry this out with him unless in was part of the staged narrative. The author, Gore Vidal was an American writer and political agitator and stood for many of the things that WL and Assange 'claim' to. But as we know, Assange is part of the propaganda apparatus that advances the MIC and surveillance state. Vidal also wrote a novel in 1964 called 'Julian' about a Roman Emperor who stood against the Church in favour of a Jewish resurgence and wished to rebuild the Temple!

The shot of him in the paddy wagon winking and giving the thumbs up was also a blatant show of arrogance, symbolising that it's all one big game and the people have been utterly fooled. He showed no signs of distress or behaviour reflecting what he’d just been through.

It is also highly unlikely that he even spent one night at the embassy. If he is an Intel asset as I contend, then it wouldn’t have been necessary for him to be there permanently. They merely brought him out on the balcony etc. for press appearances and staged the occasional meeting, otherwise he was likely staying at an undisclosed location in comfort. It is worth noting that all embassies in London are connected via a subterranean tunnel network that was installed pre WW2, so squirrelling assets around without detection is achievable.

Another absurdity to this ‘world stage panto’ is all the celebrity visits he received such as Pamela Anderson, Lady GaGa, Vivienne Westwood, Eric Cantona, Eric Schmidt (Google), Nigel Farage, Noam Chomsky, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore etc.

Further supporting links: