"İstiklâl Marşı" National Anthem of Turkey (5 Different Instrumental Versions) "Independence March"




Published on Aug 3, 2019


00:02 Tokuhide Niimi Arrangement
Galata Tower, Istanbul

01:27 Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
Ataturk's Mausoleum, Anitkabir, Ankara

02:29 London Philharmonic Orchestra
Ephesus Ancient City, Izmir

03:32 New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
Sumela Monastery, Trabzon

04:36 Presidential Symphony Orchestra (Republic of Turkey)
Ishak Pasha Palace and Mt. Ararat, Agri

Fear not; For the crimson banner that proudly ripples in this glorious dawn, shall not fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my homeland is extinguished.
For that is the star of my people, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.

Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent!
Smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the rage?
Our blood which we shed for you shall not be worthy otherwise;
For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation!

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