Chris Cantwell: "Race-Mixing Is No Problem."


Jack Burton


Published on Dec 31, 2017

Radical Agenda S03E007

I'm sympathetic to Chris' plight and don't want to see the man in jail or prison, but if you say dumb shit you get called out.

Just think about how hardcore our ancestors were. We had anti-miscegenation laws. We had the one-drop rule. We had Jim Crow. We had the Racial Integrity Act. Now look at the people representing us. We're a shadow of our former selves.

Everything is not a negotiation. It's not about just cucking less. It's not about let's only cuck 50% or 25%. We don't cuck at all and we maintain our current white racial integrity.

I see this as an inherent problem with former liberal/libertarian race-mixers like Cantwell, Spencer and on Drake's channel. They're borderline subversives.