Vote Counter RIPS UP Trump Ballot, Deleted Video


Redpill Media


Published on Nov 10, 2020

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A vote counter filmed himself ripping up a Donald Trump ballot. More 2020 election fraud coming to light.

This video is buried deep down the rabbit hole. You can't find it anywhere, but here.

Redpill Media transcript:

I can’t wait until fact checkers try and debunk this video
The video of a fascist helping fascists destroy democracy,
And appoint a dictator to the presidency
The video you just watched is induspitable
And shows the reality of what went on in this country during the mockery of democracy
Aka the 2020 presidential elections
The man is a voting booth worker
And his specific job is to, as he says, separate mail in ballot votes once they come in
The only problem with that is the media has convinced half the country, or sheeple I should say, that President Trump is a terrible person
And it’s your duty to get that fascist out
Ironic, considering the exact ideology they’re enforcing on these people is fascist ideology similar to that of Joseph Stalin,
But they know the sheep don’t think that deep
They know the sheep will do what they’ll told
Just like this sheep did,
And even recorded himself committing felony voter fraud
Because he’s that brainwashed by the fake news media
If you think for a second this didn’t go on all across the country, you’re a fool
The majority of people in the United States are filled with hate,
Hate for Donald trump
And hate for America
Driven by the fake news media
And communist journliast posers
What we’re seeing,
And what we’ve already seen
Is a total communist takeover?
To add, the person who posted this video to Twitter had there account totally suspended
They did not violate any rules
They did not break any rules
They simply posted the video of an already public, tik tok video
But since Jack Dorsey and the corporate hacks have been working to establish their communist agenda for years now,
They are doing everything in their power to convince people voter fraud didn’t happen
And the sheep are happily swallowing their propaganda
You know how many comments I get saying “debunked” with a link to a snopes or factcheck article?
And I go to the article and wonder; “do these people even read this article, or just use the headline of this article to make their point?’
Becuase the articles are empty
They have no “facts” despite coming from a website dedicated to fact checking
They’re all speculative,
Speculative on a subject they did no research about
And on a video that literlaly just came out minutes ago,
Yet somehow they have the almighty power of God to know what’s real and what’s not,
Almost like they knew all these videos and evidence of voter fraud would surface
And they had their various defenses ready to go
Inching at the finger to “debunk” any independent journalist who thinks for himself
The democratic party and the people on the left are acting like a sleazy defense attorney right now
And we all can see it

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