The whole world is in the grip of Covid-19 virus. But is it all what we're being led to believe?


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Mar 27, 2020

This added 5 hours after this video was uploaded. A few commenters asked me for the link to the woman spitting in the supermarket.
I found it, but would you believe, it's been removed, or at least I can't open it. I wonder why that is!?

Well no doubt we're all in a state of shock as to how quickly our govts have brought in near martial law to stop the spread of this Corona virus from China.
We know for certain it came from China, although some are saying otherwise now.
Was it from the wet markets of Wuhan or the more sinister govt labs in that same city?
Who knows what the truth is, but now it's everywhere.
Was it an accident or a deliberate act of biological warfare by China against the west, especially the USA?
I mention in this video of many YouTube videos of Asians (probably Chinese) deliberately spreading the virus in the west. One lady in Auckland caught spitting on bananas in a supermarket. She was bang to rights and arrested. Nothing in the New Zealand media though funny enough!
So people have actually been caught on camera spreading it. So laws of averages would suggest there are many, many more spreading it around western nations without being caught. But is it of their own volition because they're evil or are they being told to spread the virus? If so, then by whom?
The CCP are in a trade war with the USA. The globalists of this world want to bring down the president of the USA. The UN want a one world govt where they are in charge. Marxist govt leaders like NZ want free movement, a crack down on freedom of speech, hate crimes and disarming of the populace, and their lackies in the media are 'no' fans of Trump. And Jacinda says on our TV screens just the other night to only trust the govt on this outbreak.
You can make up your own mind but I'm thinking something more sinister is happening.
This is playing out like a book of fiction where the govts are giving themselves unprecedented powers to achieve their aims; and their aims are anyone's guess.

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