Trump's War on US TREASON: Rosenstein & McCabe lie in Biggest DOJ Criminal Coverup in US History


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Dec 23, 2017

BREAKING: Rod Rosenstein stonewalls Congress. Do you want to see the face of the Deep State at the Dept. of Justice? Become an InspoNews partner @ PATREON:
Do you want to understand the details of the most elaborate coverup of corrupt Federal official in the history of the American Republic? Watch this report to see the connection between the globalist banking elite of George Soros and learn how this whole phony Russian collusion investigation of President Donald J. Trump is nothing but a smoke and mirrors tactic of the New World Order to keep the American Justice system and the American people in the dark as to who the real criminals are and to where and who REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION is connected. Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Jim Comey, Robert Mueller, Andy Weissmann, Peter Strzok, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, John Brennan, James Clapper, Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, George Soros etc. all represent a sick web of crime and coverup which truly proves that President Trump's charge "that the system is rigged" is well founded. The Congress has now taken the initiative to properly investigate this matter as the weak AG with his anemic DOJ has refused to do do. Feeling the pressure, Jeff Sessions now feels obligated to check into the former Obama Administration's "Cassandra Project"( where pro Iranian drug dealing Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah was given a pass by FBI DOJ CIA so as not to upset the Iranian Nuke deal! etc) the Uranium One project etc. The fact is Jeff Sessions won't do his job and he and Rosenstein need to reign ASAP. All of the above need to be investigated themselves. As the President has said, (at the top levels) many of our law enforcement and intelligence and Justice institutions are sick with corruption and the Globalist Swamp needs to be drained at once!
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Rosenstein & Andy LIE to Congress: Caught in Biggest DOJ Criminal Coverup in US History
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