NEWS ALERT:Mike Pence Falsely Accuses Gen.Flynn again.Mike needs to stop.We are in an election year


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on May 2, 2020

Mike Pence stabs General Mike Flynn. WHY NOW in the middle of a health crises? The past couple of days Pence has once again falsely accused the good General of lying. Here it goes AGAIN. WHY? At a White House presser, the President tries to sort that all. It's truly sad to see the VP acting like this during an ongoing pandemic that he has supposedly taken the lead in and a during a very crucial election year.FACT: We are pro Trump loyalists here. Pence? Nope!


But like a spoiled tattle-tale, Mike Pence won't stop calling General Flynn a liar. The President just said he thought that the 3 star General & war hero Flynn was innocent all along & that like himself - he was falsely maligned and maliciously prosecuted on "trumped up" charges Equally important the 45th President declared that he greatly respected Flynn and would consider re-hiring General Mike Flynn.

In this report we have the obvious response of the President at the presser. But more importantly we investigate the undercurrent and deeply rooted reasons why the VP continues his attacks on General Flynn. Could it that Pence is saving his political face? Or must Pence do this to shield his political future? Witting or unwitting, was he part of the larger plot to unseat a duly elected US President?

We know the President is a good hearted and magnanimous person. We know he considers Mike Pence a friend. But sometimes the President's "believe for the best in others" attitude - his "look for the silver lining in others" positive take on some of his most trusted personnel is frankly wrong. Jeff Sessions, Michael Cohen, Jim Comey, John Bolton, Steve Bannon, Omarosa, Rex Tillerson, Gary Cohn, General, Mattis, General Kelly were all people the President trusted at one time but who in the end, betrayed the President and the America First nationalist movement.

We know the President is a peace maker. We know he has spent his whole life building great businesses and bringing out the best in those around him. And its hard to believe that human nature can be so dark, that the very people he helped, promoted and made successful would then turn on him like a rabid rat. And each time, the President was stabbed in the back - fair minded & discerning people everywhere were shocked. Deeply troubled by the level and magnitude of the subversion, treason, insubordination by people with such deep character flaws who like Brutus, Judas & Arnold betrayed the loyalty and good will of their bosses and those who were loyal to them.

The President has a hard enough calling in this point in history than to be concerned about snakes and rats around him. But as in past history, great leaders will always have their share of pain, betrayal and treachery. After-all, we live in a fall of nature stained with original sin. But where today are the attributes of loyalty, fidelity and integrity?

Maybe that's why the Apostle Paul admonishes Christians everywhere to respect, honor and "pray for all those in authority over us." 1 Timothy 2:1-3


Is Mike Pence the ultimate Deep State "angel of light"? The Lord says to judge a tree by its fruit. People are known by the people they admire and run with - by the words they speak and the actions they take. Pence is often a pushover to Democrats and RINO Republicans alike. He befriends Trump haters. He appears a s a doormat to Germany's Merkel the EU, and even China.

When the President is questioned about that, in his magnanimous way he describes Mike as "not controversial" and "Mike is not combative as I am- he's different person, But is such a limp leadership what we need at this point in our history? Who could ever fill the shoes of this great President in 2024?

Pray more than ever for DISCERNMENT for this great President. Hebrews 5:14; 1 Corinthians 2:15
Is Mike Pence accusing this Christian General of what he is himself? Was General Flynn- so loyal to his Lord, his President and his family that he was willing to suffer the loss of all things- even his reputation and freedom in order that he preserve others? If true, what a picture of valor. It is the blessing of God to rarely find leaders like this. This is what I believe. Death before dishonor.

Mike Pence? A former quasi conservative talk show commentator - a mediocre Gov. picked by the GOP establishment to be Trump's running mate. I have my doubts about him.
But Flynn? The true soldier of virtue.

I have one final word for that. ADMIRABLE !


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