I have a chat with politicians, Shane Jones and Ron Mark at the NZ first conference in Christchurch.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Oct 21, 2019

I have no doubt I'm being shadow banned by this govt and big tech to shut down this right of centre channel. I must be upsetting someone upon high. So please share, share, share these videos with everyone you know to spread the word we are being deceived.

On Sunday a couple of friends and I went to see Winston Peters, leader of New Zealand First (some would say Winston first) party at the Rydges hotel. It was chockablock full with a quarter of the room clapping and cheering at Winston's every attempt at humour.
The other three quarters where we were sitting were largely quieter.
Winston, for them outside NZ is deputy PM and called his own supporters extremists, when he got power, and thus did a 180° turn on what he'd been campaigning for for decades; and to top that it was himself who signed the UN Global compact on safe and orderly migration, and keeps insisting "it's nothing and non binding anyway, and anyone who says otherwise is racist, xenophobic and islamophobic."
Give him his due he is a great speaker, but it's worthless because the man is a narcissistic egomaniac who'd do and say anything to gain power, and he did.
Winston never took questions at the end either and scarpered. But I did get to talk to Shane Jones. Fair play to him he gave me a few minutes. I then saw Ron Mark and zeroed in on him.
Ron demanded to know what my job was and where I worked, no doubt to get me sacked in this climate of fear of speaking up about things this govt don't like. He wouldn't talk on camera either which I thought odd.
His heavies muscled me out of the way in the end. He also tried to get information of where my mate worked too. Wonder why?
They were left with no doubt that I wasn't part of the paid fan club clapping like seals.

This is my first go interviewing NZ politicians so please cut me some slack here.
These people aren't used to being confronted by real right of centre, in my case, citizen journalists. They're more used to the lackies in the media asking them safe questions so as not to rock the boat and get themselves sacked by their corporate bosses who the govt fund to pump out their propaganda. This is New Zealand now.
Anyway watch the video as I think it's bloody good stuff.

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