The Maxwell’s “ MEGA Suspects” 🧃🦑🍩


jaleel appleseed


Published on May 7, 2020

This video starts off with #MariaFarmer
Explaining the head of the snake 🐍., Leslie Wexner & he has distanced himself from the Republican Party 🎉 over tRump or so we are lead by Savy PR teams to believe,. Just like his tRope that Jeffery embezzled from him,. If it wasn’t so heartbreaking,. It would be a riot of laughter,.

Timing is everything,. Seems that when Captain Bob,. Started the rise of ocean water ,. When a slick kidon unit plunged him into the ocean blue,. He created a void ,. The MEGA Group filled ,. With sexual entrapment,. Operations ,. As old killery was quoted “ A vast right wing conspiracy” but in reality this vast conspiracy has it tentacles 🦑 in every bird’s pie 🥧 🐦

It is really shameful how these woman are still treated,.
If you care to voice your support,. To ms. Farmer here,. Is her you tube,.

& twitter 🐥

And if ya want to shit on ,. Vicky ward please do

😂 I asked greg ,. Who did the art on the thumbnail,. From the last last antEdote,. & he didn’t know,. / it was Maria Farmer// from this “Unsung UnHeros: CDP China 🇨🇳, Perle, Epstein/Wexner from Iraq 🇮🇶 propaganda to harassment of victims”

well that is the second part,. Of this glorious 15min reMix
Of this them AntEdote fools
This excerpt was taken from,.

The Antedote,. “tRump, Kissinger, and MEGA: who is really calling the shots” published Feb 19th 2018

Further links,.

La Rouche is a nut job who ended up getting drowned in a bowl 🍲,. Lizard 🦎 soup 🍜 by the Queen 👸 of England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 E-LiZarD-bIRth- on orders from the “black Pope’s dog walker” 🦮👽,. But before that,. And before him and his wife started shilling literally with the shillman foundation,. And “China’s (but really Israel’s) one bElt oNe roAd,.
Yeah before that he had a few good jews who wrote for the Executive Intelligence Review

This is a good,.one especially the part about Bank Hapoalim (which will be the first to use fintech and crypto via the brilliant research of “Talpiot graduates 🎓” so most like espionaged-ed 😜🤓

Bob fitrakis

The original Akamai tree 🌲 got taken down,. I forget his Twitter jon Swinn knows and knows the importance of journalistic integrity even tho I never heard him,. Say he was a journalist 🙃🤓 so he uploaded this to the new site,. Along with so many articles,. On subjects that your favorite YouTube armchair general,. Will never mention

I don’t know what,. Article was in the original description so here is another Akamai tree 🌲 article

And then here is some more videos 🎂🥡🏈🤺
A Little old but hey not outdated still after all these years only a few made these connections in the meantime,. Because the whole of the alt-media is worse than the msm,.

Child Slave Master Zionist Les Wexner & more pt.1
May 11th 2017

Les Wexner pt.2 Jeffery Epstein & Alan Dershowitz
Sept. 9th 2017


Pink Floyd- “Uncharted Waters”

Please support my efforts by supporting the website and Jon Swinn,.//

If you are a poor like ,. Us ,. You can rEtweet my videos
Burn them onto disc and hand them out,. By any means necessary/ people I know on twitter since day one donut 🍩 even share my vids,.
It is kinda wack,. I don’t ask for much,.

I only ask on behalf of others,. I do,.do a lot of work behind the scenes// that has benefited this quest of greater understanding,. For this “community that has only shitted,. On us called us mentally ill,. Stole our line of research repeatedly/,. And can’t even mention our names,. Or when speaking to one of us ,. We pretend like we never heard the voice,.

It takes me a few hrs ,. To make each ,. Video,. It is not Hollywood,. Sometimes I get stumped looking for one clip,. Due to Al GoRE rhythms ,. Burying the gold,. Behind an endless sea of Qanon fluff,. I screen record then I run it thru a filter/ add music etc,. And do a lot of digging to make solid connections for real researchers and academics to expound upon,.

I had to delete 2000 pictures of my cat’s,. And my tRavels today/ so I could make Room to download to upload this

You can press a ducking reTweet button/

I see some of my followers,. Never retweet any of my vids but they retWeet Candice Owens,. It demoralizen AF