Osama Bin Laden was not America's most dangerous enemy




Published on Oct 24, 2012

bush was, but now we have obama. Lucky us.

NBC in the afternoon of 911 with tom brokaw in the studio.

Google didn't add
to the search index, so we thought we would redo, improve and upload another.

Tom explains how dangerous Osama Bin Laden is, talking about OBL's great wealth and sophisticated apparatus, then showing us a file video of Osama Bin Laden moving his hands around. tom brokaw tells us that Osama bin Laden is threatening us in that video; holy war against America. That video shows some of the sophisticated apparatus at OBL's disposal; a hand woven camouflage cover made from natural fibers. How can America's defenses cope? How could we expect the CIA to find such a clever war strategist? Who would think? Natural fibers! Perhaps Osmaa Bin Laden was already starting to feel old, needing natural fibers for his healthy regularity?

But, Joe Craine decided we would drive the point home with some dubbed audio (especially the rumsfeld and russert designer cave interview on meet the press), the China News video and several CNN images of Osama in his sophisticated caves plotting against the poorly equipped judge dredd of the US military. Oh, how can we cope? We must yield our few remaining liberties right away to protect us from this supernatural scourge!

China News shows us Osama firing his sophisticated firearm surrounded by his sophisticated, closest, highly armed and secretive lieutenants. Knowing that his war-equipment engineers make America's look like limp wristed gay boys, he need only test fire his sophisticated weapon once to show the world it works as designed; it really wasn't a budget issue and a staged media incident since his very wealthy family's millions are a good match against the rothschild's trillions, but, who's counting?

Finally, we hear from Tom Brokaw that just 3 weeks ago, reporters "called on" Osama Bin Laden and he let them know that he was going to attack the USA soon. So much for secrecy and a surprise attack on the pearl harbor of New York City, huh? One should wonder why our illustrious, illegal and immoral CIA couldn't find him. Hundreds of millions of dollars - spent on preferred home grown vendors supporting the work of tyranny (that would be the rothschilds) right here at home. Can't spend that kind of money without a boogeyman to blame!

We hope that viewers will note the subtle difference between America's most dreaded enemy and America's most dangerous enemy. Please watch through to the end.

911 was an inside crime. It continues.

The only thing real on 911 was TV fakery. Everything else we were shown on TV was false.
At the pentagon, it was faked firefighting.

Thanks and a tip of our hat to Joe Craine, YouTube martyr.

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