MAIL BOMBS A FALSE FLAG:"Potentially" Explosive Bombs a CNN/MSM farce-as Left attacks Prez/M-terms


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Oct 25, 2018

BREAKING:NYPD & Democrats/CNN just made a total fool of themselves at the overly hyped & highly politicized NYPD Press conference today. The bombs are a dud. The left wing, Open Society George Soros funded FALSE FLAG is being exposed.
Even if authorities apprehend a kooky radical right wing agitator(s) - the fact remains- the MSM Fake News Media and Democrats have wickedly used this unfortunate event to incessantly attack the GOP leadership and President.

In this report, see how the cheapshot, Trump hating, nationalist hating, , socialist carnival barkers and the sanctuary city NYC Mayor De Blasio & Gov. Cuomo, bask in the glory of this media hyped farce in order to slander and attack President Trump.

THE NYPD Preliminary Report:

There was nothing dangerous in these envelopes yet CNN acted as if we were attacked like we were on September 11th. Nauseating fake hype galore! All used to attack our hard working President!.
Turns out the phony mail bombs contained talcum powder & FAKE BOMBS.

The sinister way in which the DNC controlled press linked all this to the President makes the whole thing suspect - one wonders if these fake bombs may have even been sent by Democrat sympathizers ( posing as Trump fans) so that Democrats can use the false to sway public opinion in the most disgusting attempt to persuade public opinion before an election - to LIE against President Trump (with ZERO justification) .

Sadly, the whole thing is beginning to appear as a mainstream Media hyped event to effectuate the outcome of the midterms. Attempting to slander the President & down ticket of GOP candidates - hypocritically blaming the conservatives' rhetoric as causing these bombs to be sem=nr. How sick and deceptive can the DNC be? Ther friends in the MSM have been using the FARCE non stop 24/7 to falsely malign the GOP and President right before the Midterms. What a double standard!

InspoNews believes this is the most disgusting abuse of law enforcement and the media in US history. Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, De Blasio, Cuomo - Wolf Blitzer, CNN MSNBC are all using this to try and distract the American voter from the left wing sponsored CENTRAL AMERICAN CARAVAN - a teeming horde of illegal aliens, drug dealers, (mostly young males) possible terrorists and MS 13 gangs etc. These OPEN BORDER DEMOCRATS desire to win the HOUSE of Reps- impeach the president, raise taxes and open the borders wide to all illegals. They want Sanctuary cities, to abolish ICE and to destroy the economic comeback- all to elect their crummy socialist candidates- like Alexandria Cortez and Andrew Gillum who have all been falling in the polls since the Caravan and cruel false attacks on Justice kavanaugh took place.How dare they LECTURE us as they with duplicity try to take the high moral ground here while they are the ones fomenting the violence. As an example, no conservative blamed Bernie Sanders when his left wing supporter tried to shoot and kill GOP Majority Whip Steve Scalise & other conservatives in a REAL terror attack.
BREAKING:President Donald Trump to send US troops to border.

God bless all of you for voting in these historic Midterm elections amd for standing with our President for America.

God bless you all for standing with us and getting the word of freedom out to AMerica nad to the whole world.
InspoNews - Bold enough to report the raw TRUTH
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