InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Nov 7, 2016

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You Tube & Google blocked uploads of my new videos since Saturday! The severed the internet cable to my friend Julian Assange. Im doing my best to re-upload the others this early AM. Hillary is fighting this tenaciously and as you know, she doesn't play by the rules!
BREAKING: WIKI LEAKS:11-7-16 FORGET THE FICKLE FBI. Evidence & emails are mounting regarding treasonous “pay for play” funding in exchange for moneyed donations to the CLINTON FOUNDATION. Just because the FBI director suspended his investigation is irrelevant. Evil Hillary and her left wing, elitist, politico com-padres have either threatened or bribed FBI's Jim Comey to drop his case. No law enforcement chief is normal being that “on again and off again”! Loretta Lynch (DOJ) is also in cahoots & they both should be investigated. The corruption in the Beltway Swamp has taken on a life of its own – in Hillary’s case an ugly miscarriage of justice.

I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT THIS ELECTION IS PRIMARILY ABOUT national security, TREASON & THE AIDING AND ABETTING OF ISLAMIC ENEMIES as part of a larger scheme to weaken or destroy America & to bring her into compliance with the NWO.

But we reap what we sow and TRUTH & JUSTICE are not so easily mocked. Her funding of ISIS & other Islamic terrorist organizations, along with her incessant scheming against our allies in the Middle East, destabilized the entire region & Western Europe causing untold suffering, pain & death to millions.

As with globalist elites Merkel & Schultz in Germany – they WELCOME with open borders, millions of Muslim “refugees” knowing they are avowed enemies of those nation states. Hillary & Obama's purposeful genocide of Christians in the Middle East (after arming ISIS with 70 billion in abandoned US military equip, knowing they would be attacked & providing no safe zones & failing to arm our allies the Kurds etc. is a treacherous genocide not seen since the Third Reich.

Her arming & funding the same Islamic terrorists who killed Ambassador Stevens & 3 brave US fighter’s, her rare Wyoming Uranium One sale to Russians & Iran - her funding the terror state IRAN with 150 Billion in hard earned US taxpayer dollars for nukes ( for which they have vowed to use against America & Israel), the self compliant treaty was willfully concealed form the Congress & the American people are literal ACTS OF TREASON with US enemies.

Hillary’s immediate plans to brings in a million more Muslim refugees from Syria & places in the world that hate us – knowing there are Islamic terrorists in their ranks & putting at risk innocent American lives for furthering her globalist agenda - her “pay for play” scheme with foreign governments – ( she took 125 million from the Saudi’s – a regime we now know help to fund the September 11th terror attacks, make her the biggest traitor and criminal to ever serve in our Federal government. And to think she can serve as our President? Wake up America! Only God himself knows what other treacheries this woman has committed. Win or lose tomorrow – she will face JUSTICE sooner than later! God save America!

Though you are fighting the entire Media and left wing political Establishment - Never Give up! Go Trump Pence!


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