Controversial Vaccine Movie Banned by Netflix & Apple


Our Free Society


Published on Jul 10, 2020

Please like, share, and subscribe if you so choose, and you can also join my list at and also follow me on Twitter - @freesociety2017

If you are serious about helping save humanity, join our Think Tank by contacting me on my site. We need to work together to not only save us from this war, but also change our world for the best. We can't do it without you.

Never give up HOPE because we can resolve this problem if we just stick together, strategize, and follow certain practices.

And if you can help support my work to keep you up-to-date with what is going on so you can learn the truth, please visit here - - Thank you

I also encourage you to subscribe to either LBRY or BitChute, because as I'm sure you already know, YT censors a lot of videos that speak the truth, and I've already had at least 7 videos taken down even from outside the US. LBRY is better because BitChute has way too many site issues.

A good interview by Patrick over at Value Entertainment. Please sub to him, as he does have some good guests on and I am not sure I've ever seen Del interviewed by anyone before.

Here's the link -

More evidence (as if there isn't already tons) at how the criminals in government protect the pharma mafia and even go so far as to threaten functional doctors and once again threaten parents of children (by CPS) for trying to heal their autistic children with healing FOOD!!!

Please people STOP worshiping the government.

The government is NOT your friend and never has been. They control us and you can't do anything without their permission! That is called SLAVERY!!!!

You are a slave to the government.

WAKE UP already!!!