Dr. Woodley - Ashkenazic Jewish IQ Is World's Highest Due To Genetics (Sources in Description)


Mind Wedgie


Published on Apr 8, 2019

Clip from interview by Stefan Molyneux.
Full interview on Mr. Molyneux's channel.

During discussion of book released in 2018:
"At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future"

Paper noted during interview:
Polygenic Scores Mediate the Jewish Phenotypic

IQ Bell Curve Example Per Mainstream Psychology:
145 IQ Ratios:
1 in 300,000 American Blacks (ave 20% White DNA)
1 in 1,000 American Non-Jewish Whites
1 in 50 Ashkenazic White Jews, anywhere on Earth.
Israel's IQ average is under 115 due to including its entire population.

20% 83 IQ average Arabs Muslims
45% 95 IQ average Sephardic and Mizrahim Jews
35% 115 IQ average Ashkenazim Jews
General IQ papers and studies

Meta study link 1:
Mainstream Science on Intelligence & IQ: 52 PhD Signatories with Biography


Meta study link 2:
Education, IQ, Income & Crime - Factors & Solutions


These documents are publicly searchable by name on Google.