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 Videos: 446
 Views: 499,046
 Subscribers: 2,920
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 Created Dec 6, 2017
 Deleted Aug 22, 2021

Exploring the Dark Side of Human Behavior

'No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.' Plato
Welcome to my YouTube channel! I mostly talk about true crime on my channel as well as current events and politics in the USA. Because of the sensitive nature of many of my videos (true crime and politics) YouTube will only allow me to monetize a few. Therefore, I am asking viewers who appreciate my content to please consider donating to me via patreon so that I can keep my channel going, and keep viewers informed about what is happening in the United States - especially when it concerns subjects that the mainstream media ignores. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

To make donations, please use either one of the two links provided below. Many thanks in advance!