Fox News Owner: Illegal Aliens Are Natural Republicans (Rupert Murdoch)


Patriot Fire


Published on Sep 24, 2012

Globalist Rupert Murdoch, Owner of Fox News, says Illegal Aliens are "natural Republicans." Australian-born Murdoch has no loyalty to America and could care less who becomes a citizen. He has said other things like this before in public.

Murdoch is also business partners with the same Saudi prince, Al-waleed bin Talaal, the biggest promoter of Islamic culture in the world and one of the half dozen richest men in the world.

Al-waleed's American adviser, Khalid Al-Mansour aided Obama in college financially and assisted him in gaining admission to Harvard and becoming the editor of the Harvard Law Review.

Rupert is being replaced in management of News Corp, the parent of Fox News, by his son James, who is more liberal than Rupert Murdoch is.

Saudis Own Obama and Fox News

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