TOMI LAHREN :FAKE CONSERVATIVE- Libertarian Girl Attacks Pro Lifers


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Mar 25, 2017

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For all you Tomi & Martha fans, First of all, nothing against these fine ladies personally. If you like them fine. But they must be taken to task when they make seriously outrageous statements that con-volute the true meaning of what it is forever to be a truth loving conservative. Some truths just can't be sacrificed to POP culture. FOXY NEW's Bikini girl, bleach blonde air head-- vapid, no news, Martha Maccallum just called for the US Gov. to arrest Julian Assange & shut down Wikileaks. I mean, what would miss ditsy know about real journalism? She reads the NWO line off a TELEPROMPTER! Julian risks his life to tell the truth - Martha wouldn't risk breaking her manicure finger nail.
TOMI LAHREN is a PHONY CONSERVATIVE who is so overly ambitious she was willing to call Pro Lifers "HYPOCRITES" on national TV in order to appeal to their LIBERAL TV audience. Another darling of the left wing, she's just another baby "Megyn Kelly - willing to say or do anything to advance her popularity & career. Trump does not need her- even to attract Millennials. He does not need her anymore than he needed her crazy, Trump hating, Libertarian, MENTOR GLENN BECK. You know the "fake" conservative that lauded Michelle Obama while dissing Trump? Who said he would vote for Hillary before he would vote for Trump? Yes, little bleach blonde phony news vixen Tomi Lauren was birthed out of his politically correct loins. God help us if this kid get famous on network pretending to be a conservative. Tomi is simply a bad role model of truth & conservatism for our young people. Like a baby Megyn Kelly, she's a slippery eel - a chameleon.

The 24 year old. bleach blond, air head, risque machine gun mouth "Tomi", is in fact a closet Libertarian - she's AMORAL when it comes to supporting life honoring, Judeo Christian laws protecting unborn persons. She plainly loves promoting herself with the new Trumpian, conservative movement (she dissed Trump early on too but when she saw he would win, came on board late like a lot of ladder climbers in order to advance heir own agenda - Glenn Beck is another one who supposedly now likes Trump too - yuck! disgusting fair weather friends) She dissed dedicated, sincere loving faith groups which promote compassionate (and utilitarian options to abortion on demand - since BTW, America needs more babies for it's depleted work force!) adoption.
Fact is, she's a shallow, ditsy neurotic, materialist, immature, fast talking, FAKE CONSERVATIVE, who was so happy to please the LEFT WING LOONY ladies of THE VIEW that she demeaned & dissed the entire PRO LIFE MOVEMENT calling them"hypocrites."
Pro Choice Republican? Fine. But please don't go around demeaning & dissing Pro Life Republicans (70%) who sincerely fight for the right to life of unborn children as a proper inalienable right - something our nation's founders would have done as well.

Of course there are good Republicans who are pro choice. And I'm not casting stones here - spiritually speaking, God is merciful & will forgive any sin (including abortion) if someone is truly sorry & repents.(Psalm 51 & 1 John 1:4-8)

But that's not the point here. The point of this video is - WHY would any true conservative take the time to attack the Pro Life movement as "hypocritical" arguing that people who defend unborn persons are not for "limited government" when in fact the are a make up the heart of what was the conservative REAGAN GOP & Democrat - is this kid so eaten up with ambition and greed as to throw away all Christian principles and even forget basic, American political history?
Oh yeah - I know why. She's another attractive, flaming closet, liberal, immoral LIBERTARIAN who refuse to defend innocent life, are for legalization of pot and drugs - crazy libertarian Glenn Beck, Paul & others like them would legalize prostitution, let Israel be taken over by Islamic Terrorists, allow for INCEST, etc. & ad nauseam. I pray this gutless, phony, shallow, machine gun mouth punky kid, burns out like a comet plunging into the SUN of timeless truth - that she goes the way of MEGYN JELLY and that her and her strip tease boyfriend find their way as patriots on a daytime sop box or TV reality show. Shes not a journalist or a legit commentator - let alone a bona fide conservative! hey TOMI COMET - read Pslam 139:13-14
fc- InspoNews

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