Lördagsintervju 7 - Professor Peter Stilbs om det överdrivna klimathotet..(English Subtitles)


Svensk Webbtelevision


Published on Feb 10, 2017

Trump has signaled that he does not believe in climate change.
Populous states as China and India do not care either significantly on concerns about carbon dioxide.
Sweden is the only country to have a requirement on fossil-free vehicle fleet by 2030, which is emerging as extreme.

But how is it then? Is the global heating a real threat? To find this out, we interviewed a few experts in the field.

First up is Peter Stilbs who is a professor emeritus in physical chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Next week, an interview with Ph.D. Lars Bern has extensive experience in climate science for 40 years.

These two experts are retired and can speak freely without the risk of career and finances. They provide both the shocking news that the climate alarms are completely exaggerated and driven by political and economic reasons rather than caring about our future.

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