Americanism not Globalism! Freedom's Call Tribute to US Vets & Pres.Trump-standing up for our nation


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Nov 12, 2018

In honor of our vets and in remembrance of my uncle who was KIA fighting for this nation against tyranny on foreign soil - I post "Freedom's Call" - a tribute song my daughter and I wrote and perform. To my father who had a purple heart & a bronze star - my father in law- 5 bronze stars - my nephew who currently serves & all former military in my family - this song says NEVER FORGET.

When Donald Trump says "Americanism not Globalism" and then a globalist shill like the 109 pound lightweight French President Macron tries to insult our President by giving a false New Age meaning to Nationalism and American patriotism - it just makes me even more proud of this President & so glad to be an American- especially in a darkened world full of tyranny which in Europe has been invaded by totalitarian Muslims and which is clamoring for an EU controlled New World Order.

This patriotic, nationalist President stands in their way boldly and courageously on behalf of the American people & for freedom lovers everywhere on this planet! Thank God. He has truly answered Freedom's call!

IN HONOR OF OUR VETS - here's a musical tribute .
God bless America
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