MORE MIDTERM FALSE FLAGS:Evil Socialists/DNC Will Do Anything to Win-to defeat Trump


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Oct 31, 2018

11-01--18 / BREAKING:UNCANNY COINCIDENCES OF THE SYNAGOGUE, MAIL BOMBER & CARAVAN SHOOTINGS: Evil left wing media has totally politicized human tragedy & suffering against President Trump & his down ticket of fine GOP candidates. Disgusting! More false flag events that Trump hating Media will use against Prez & GOP before MidTerms.
We are NOT saying that this mass shooting of precious Jewish people at a baby naming ceremony was faked.
Real innocent people were killed of course and we pray for the victims loved ones and families. The President is correct. Hatred and violent political speech should never be tolerated.
But it is strange that the Homeland Security Dept. held a mass shooting exercise at the same Synagogue this past March - even as it did in Orlando & Orlando Health Hospital 6 months prior to the Pulse Nightclub shootings. Strange coincidences or maybe the "practice runs" TRIGGERED unstable local residents whether they be Jew Hating extremists such as Robert Bowers or the radical Islamist terrorist shooter at the Pulse Night Club where a group of law abiding peaceful gay and strait people were convening.

The only thing for sure is how the Left wing- Islamist alliance and globalist Mainstream Media reacts and utilizes such tragedies- to politicize them- to take away Second Amendment gun rights or push for hate crime- hate speech laws which will pose a direct assault on our US Constitution and American freedoms as we have known them.

The past 2 weeks has been like ONE GIANT PSYOPS by the left - politicizing tragedies and events AGAINST President Trump and the GOP down ticket candidates - conveniently all happening in an uncanny fashion - the timing being surreal and right before the Midterms . George Soros, Tom Steyer, left wing groups, Leftists allied with Muslims - all are desperate for a victory on November 6th. These events are unfairly being directed by the left at Donald Trump's so called "RHETORIC"

The leftist LIARS are incorrigible liars who will stoop to anything to get back into power after their bruising losses in 2016. Unfairly linking President Trump to the Caravan, separating parents from children, inciting Cesar Sayoc the fake- DUD -mail bomber and Jew hater and terroristic murderer Robert Bowers of the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting etc. is EVIL and total media malpractice!

Yes- whether the globalist timed these events or an evil Media wickedly politicized a vast tragedy - trying to deify and make the victims all DNC leaders and globalists (Soros, Obama, Hillary etc.)while dissing Trump- this is an obvious Deep State psychological operation - planned and well coordinated attack on the President and his conservative slate of down ticket candidates - so he will lose support of the people and voters and this in turn will motivate the left to show up to the polls in large numbers- giving Democrats a majority in the House of Representatives- wher more imnextiagtions, obstructuion of Presidnet Trump and his MAGA policies can take place with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats being the majority party- obstruct, investigate and impeach this president and the GOP will be their total agenda the next 2 years.

The GOP and conservatives who want economic and job growth to continue under Trump leadership can;t let this happen! They must not only vote- but help invite family and friends and ti turn out the vote as well. & days to GO!
They (the DNC socialists & globalists) must defeat Trump's supporters in the most consequential Midterm elections in US history. Otherwise - the NWO has more drastic measures in store- for both further destabilizing the Middle East as well as trying to get rid of President Trump - now more than just a "bump in the road" toward the rush to globalization of the United States of America.

MAGA & God bless
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