Media’s Election Day Grift Isn’t Anything New. A Look Back at the Night of the 2000 Election.




Published on Nov 18, 2020

With the rest of media already moved on to “Biden’s Transition” and the truthers focused on the machinations of the digital election system, I can’t help but to feel left alone still floored by the deception that was present in the corporate media on the night of the election. I supposed they don’t need to hide it anymore, but damn. So, I went back to 2000 and watched the entire night over again. There are some patterns. I’ve clipped the night up to show my point. The media is still “apologizing for getting it wrong” over the same election night mistakes. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe the “we’re incompetent” defense for the election night busts or the busts in the polls. There’s no way they’re accidentally making the same mistakes that benefit one side.

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