The Opioid Crises was Manufactured, Now the Profiteers [Sacklers] are Running From Justice.




Published on Jun 22, 2020

The Sackler family should be the most reviled family in the USA, but I’m afraid enough just isn’t known about the drug war in general... more or less the specifics about this family. They’re in the news again because they’re trying to get out of paying the damages they owe through bankruptcy. The US States’ Attorneys’ General are flabbergasted that Purdue Pharmacy would even be considered for bankruptcy protection, but after a little digging, I’m not, and neither will you be. It’s time to start the questioning of what I’m calling the Medical Industrial Complex. The recent bug has shown that the military and medical fields are closely tied. Knowing this now, puts the drug wars against crack in the 80’s and now the opioid crisis into a new light.
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