George Soros. The demonic destroyer of nations. And he relishes in his wickedness of his actions.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Nov 3, 2019

George Soros is no doubt a morally bankrupt multi billionair who cares for nothing only money and the end justifies the means philosoohy in the worst possible sense..
From his well to do beginnings in Budapest and his fake papers to say he was a Christian, rather than his true identity of a jew, he then targeting his own to enrich himself.
What he did is truly sickening to any decent thinking person. A man who's not only a sociopath but a psychopath.
But the events of Budapest in 1944 shaped him for his future. He became a financial speculator that made him very rich indeed.
He delighted in destroying nation's economies to enrich himself, and demonstrates he cares nothing of the consequences of his actions, in fact he's proud of the things he's done.
Now he wants to destroy the west via cultural Marxism, mass migration from the third world, climate change/extinction rebellion (Yes he's even funding that movement too),corrupting world leader, politicians, media moguls, educators, and luminaries via his huge propaganda machine and secret funding.
A loathsome creature that the world leaders kowtow to and do what he tells them regardless of what their people want.

Watch this 60 minutes interview of George Soros.

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