Joe Lieberman, My Life, My Trechery; 9/11/01




Published on Nov 4, 2013

An ABC package store of motherhood, baseball and apple pie. A true red-blooded ("lieber" means "free, after all) American...

traitor. "Take away their guns" lieberman. Crypto communist. Probably wishes he could have been one of Stalin's soldiers inspecting human feces for "stolen" food. No doubt, he watches videos of starving Ukrainians when he needs to sleep with his wife. Ahh, that raw sexual feeling of power over the poor and defenseless; if only he could have been born with a red sign over his dad's "package store" door! Very happily red. Red is rots. The shield of tyranny. Extort another nickle. Where does the meter go? Kill the chestnut trees.

Following in the tradition of prescott bush, the fascist traitor senator from CT.

Really, this video is not worth watching. Uploaded merely to preserve, as best I can, the historical record. Why puke over history? Shown 4:15AM September 11, 2001, I wonder who the intended victims, ah er, audience was? Clearly, not only Episcopalians live in Stamford. Do you think he drove over to Sandy Hook on Fridays?

Video source is the now redacted 911 TV Archive, mostly for 9/11/2001. Used in accordance with the restrictions and guidelines of the US 911 Archive.

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