BREAKING:Space Force Launches Space Plane-Trump Preempts planned Red China EMP attack from space ...


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on May 17, 2020

AMAZING: Space Force Launches top secret space plane as Trump preempts planned Red China EMP attack on the United States. Under the leadership of the Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump, the military has produced new HYPER-SONIC nuclear missiles capable of traveling at 17x greater speeds than any thing our military has ever produced before.
And this new cutting edge space age technology and weaponry has just have recently been deployed. These US made missiles surpass the speed, lethal and destructive power of the Chinese and Russian hyper sonic missiles by a factor of 3! THE CCP & RED CHINA will think twice about preemptively striking the United States as we are already dealing with their horrific CCP bio terror attack on our homeland as well as the entire free world.

This President has never taken his eye off the ball as he continues to fight for the freedom, safety health, prosperity and security of the American people every day - even during this horrific Chinese virus pandemic attack on America ....

The historic fact is this- for the past 3 years this President and his new 6th branch of the military (SPACE FORCE), have been working to secure strategic, military command in Space - to command military, technological and economic supremacy over any other "super power adversary on earth, thus assuring the safety, prosperity, liberty and freedom for America posterity for many generations to come.

Freedom & peace through strength guaranteed in America for the next 300 years if the LORD tarries...


Federico Cardella
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Federico Cardella

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