TRUMP:America Will Never Be a Socialist Nation-Declares a new Monroe Doctrine for Western Hemisphere


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Feb 19, 2019

BREAKING: How fitting on President's Day that after just a few hours later I'm playing for you this historic speech of POTUS - THE GREATEST SPEECH AGAINST SOCIALISM & TYRANNY THE WORLD HAS EVER HEARD.
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President Trump just gave the speech in Miami to tens of thousands last night and it literally inspired me more than any other speech he has ever given. I mean. it gave so many HOPE in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba - not to mention here at home.
For real, if this speech does not move you then your spirit within need awakening! Exiles form Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba flooded the arena at Florida International University to hear a message of love, hope and freedom.

The days of communism and socialism in the Western Hemisphere are numbered as these regimes are collsping. The President and Banks know where the lifeblood and the finances are and have cut Maduro off. The regime could be folding in a matter of days or weeks and all options are still on the table as far as #45 is concerned,

NEW MONROE DOCTRINE DECLARED: The President has served notice that no longer will Latin American countries who were once free and prosperous be taken advantage of by Islamic terrorist or Communist Caliphates - they are not welcome in the Western Hemisphere any longer.

Fact is, because of Obama treason and weakness- the red Chinese and Iran have set up military bases and missile silos in Venezuela. Along with Chinese and DPRK missile tech and deliverable nuke warheads on Iranian/Chinese ICBM would have exploded a EMP blast over our central US troposphere & brought down our entire Tesla based central electrical grid etc. The President is aware - very aware and if necessary preparing for an invasion of Venezuela if Maduro does not resign and the Chinese et al, do not remove their military wares.

Obama, McCain, Clinton & Bush globalist/ Neocon traitors betrayed our safety, our national borders - created, funded & armed (with our CIA) Al Qaeda & ISIS, they fought globalist battles and wars overseas wasting trillions of USD tax dollars while failing to protect freedom & peace loving Christians (who died and were displaced by the millions) and causing great migrations of young Muslim men by the millions into Western Europe scorching the earth of their homeland,

Meanwhile, back here in our own backyard - the elitist of the DC Swamp in Washington deliberately left America's border exposed to drugs human trafficking warlords. terrorists, illegal alien rapists and murderers. Bario and MS 13 gangs, opioid infestation etc. and allowed for IRAN, Russia and China to begin to set up military bases in South America. Gave away our military and economic strength and our American factory base and US Steel industry - gave away our jobs to foreign countries and betrayed our middle class and blue collar workers etc. and ad nauseum ...

This was a potentially fatal distraction for America's military as we virtually had no radar or Aegis systems, anti ballistic missiles pointing south to defend our beloved nation from a EMP attack over the South Pole via DPRK or Iran or a Chinese Commie surrogate or high tech terror group or surrogate rogue actor ...
This is why the president is bringing more and more of our troops and military assets back to America in haste.
The REAL DANGER (if left alone in SA to grow as Obama and Bush allowed) is LURKING in our own Hemisphere training in the thick jungles of Venezuela and Brazil -training to attack the beloved homeland - with Wyoming Hillary Clinton-CFIUS approved uranium used to enriched nuke warheads -now the size of suitcases, and given long range fighters and missiles all being constructed in Venezuela etc...
When your President and Commander in Chief said he was going to PUT AMERICA FIRST AND SECURE OUR BORDERS HE MEANT IT. Mark the Congressman, Judge, Senator, State Dept or DOJ official who resists that- mark them all as traitors and for future investigation and prosecution by our new Attorney General Bill Barr. This will also help stem the tide of Russian, Chinese, Iranian and Islamic terrorist networks that have flooded into South America (Hezbollah & ISIS being the largest) The President's priorities are brilliant and guided by the Lord above - with Solomonic wisdom - he will defend our country at all costs.
Call and support him today. !-202-456-1111
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