RACE Exhibit Displays Misinformation


Foundational Future


Published on Dec 6, 2013

Letter to Pacific Science Center

RACE: Challenge Your Perspective

According to this exhibit, whites have more academic and economic success than blacks and Hispanics because powerful people invented whiteness and gave us privilege. And here we see that Asians in Martin Luther king county which includes Seattle have median household incomes that are double those of blacks and slightly more than those of whites. This is also true nationally. And obviously it's because Asians have the most white privilege, and they use their whiteness to marginalize everybody else.

But there is a more fundamental sense in which Asians are privileged. They are genetically privileged with slightly larger brains and higher IQs than other racial groups. IQ is about 75% heritable in the United States, according to the American psychological association. Brain size itself, north of 80% heritable. Blacks average smaller brains and lower IQs.

This crucial evidence challenges popular but misinformed views of inherent, fixed brain uniformity among races. But the Race: challenge your perspective exhibit didn't include it. Instead, the exhibit featured the perspectives of white privilege social theorists. And it featured the perspectives of politically motivated, credibility-challenged scientists who harbor pre-Darwinian views of human intellectual capacity having undergone no regional adaptations since we began migrating out of Africa some 50,000 years ago.

The museum's lax standards when it comes to science are also evidenced by its close association with the Seattle race and social justice initiative.

Activists, whether from the left or the right, who institutionally inject their biases into science poison science. Letting people who are ideologically committed to denying the existence of biological racial differences be the arbiters of what's included in an exhibit on race would be like letting young-earth creationists be the curators of a geology exhibit. People who believe the world is only 10,000 years old simply cannot be objective about the science. Similarly, people whose political faith requires them to deny that evolution caused regional variations in the brain cannot be objective about the science of human differences.

It's clear that the goal of the Race exhibit was to advance an agenda and is clear that among the means used to advance it were gross misrepresentations, crucial omissions, and emotional manipulation.

Biological races are human populations that share identifiable sets of traits, including but not limited to skin color, which derive from geographic ancestry. This definition allows us to conclude, for example, that Islam is not a race and that privileged people in power bent on oppression could not have created all the races a few hundred years ago. These people were already part of whatever race their ancestral heritage determined for them.

Whether we should call human populations that share identifiable sets of traits races or something else is a linguistic issue. But engaging in a campaign of conceptual confusion that offers the clarity only of negative emotional and political connotations is tantamount to an attempt at brainwashing. Whoever would enable a propaganda campaign of this nature to occupy exhibit space at a museum for science is guilty of scientific malpractice.

Any museum that would host an exhibit that denies science does not merit in a science museum. The Pacific Pseudo-science Center has traded its credibility for a social agenda.

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