Exaltação a Getúlio Vargas - Brazilian song about Getúlio Vargas

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Published on Sep 20, 2020

Getúlio was Laborist and Nationalist. He was one of the three great presidents of the continent to challenge Imperialism, in 1954 he committed suicide, but that was his triumph, because with the suicide he stopped the pro-American coup that only happened in 1964, and it also saved his reputation.

 This song was written by Jorge Antônio, probably this song was recorded after Vargas' death, between 1955 - 1959, unfortunately I found almost nothing about the song... so sorry...


Quando em silêncio, Raiava o dia
Um 24 de Agosto fatal
Perdeu a pátria em pranto derradeiro
Grande vulto da história nacional!

E o Brasil nossa terra querida
Viu partir o grande pioneiro
Viu ruir a grande viga mestra
E a muralha do povo brasileiro!

Getúlio Vargas! Getúlio Vargas!
Tua memória será com a bandeira
Imortal em nossos corações
Viverá o eterno ideal

Getúlio Vargas! Getúlio Vargas!
Teus amigos e agrei infantil
Marcharão empunhando tua bandeira
Pelos humildes trabalhadores do Brasil.

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