Americans are Stupid C*nts; NASA shows the C*nt of "Mother Earth" from space.




Published on Sep 12, 2015

Mother Earth's vagina.

Here is the "original"

Lots of great art, no reality.

Need Another Seven….

“Old news” says a commenter. True for the “SEX” in the clouds, not true for the digits and vagina. Like the 911 smoke (except maybe the explosion plumes), the clouds are merely drawings by talented artists. On my “Joe Craine” webpage, I explain the reason; the artists need to create realistic 3D material, meaning images that can be rotated.

A commenter asked about hijack. The answer, in a way, is “Yes”…
YouTube/Google has perfected censorship so well that my videos just don’t get much exposure. I have hundred of hours of HD (for 2001) broadcast video. Each minute is worth several videos in many cases. I just don’t have the resources to do it. It is made more difficult by the disappearance of my long time friend Nom (nameofthepen).

While I am keeping my CR watermark, I just don’t have the energy to do the opening and closing sequences anymore. While there is a slight change in style, anyone who has followed me these past many years can recognize my signature.

My interest these days is in my outside reading. When I come across obvious historical fakery, especially in our history books, I will try to expose it. Few people knew that the Cuban missile crisis was faked; I noticed the covering of snow in the notorious image of the San Cristobal missile site; Americans in the 60’s apparently did not know that snow is usual in Cuba. The “photoshopped” image fop the “911” Russian sub as well as the audio (“90,000 troops in 11 days) presage 9/11 (but, who knows which one!). The multiple repetition of the number 7 supports those who emphasize the special meaning of “777.”

Like many others, I knew the Tonkin Bay incident (the U.S.Navy was shooting at whales out there) was faked, but I had not known that no Buddhist monk committed suicide. I am now confident that all (yes “all” as in before and current) suicide attacks are lies. Few things stimulate the fear response in Americans as strongly as the thought of a person willing to die for his causes. For some reason, no American would ever commit suicide under those circumstances, yet they will readily believe the lies that others will.

So, I do not intend to do a lot of work anymore, but will toss out a bone occasionally when I find one that further shows that our government has been criminal since the beginning, that JFK was really no better than the rest. I now know that the CIA has successfully defeated us for their masters (look at the all seeing eye on the back left side of a “Federal Reserve Note, without losing site of the fact that the all seeing eye designs the pyramid and masons lay the bricks as commanded); everything (including atomic and nuclear devices) we believe to be true is not.

Please watch PeeKay’s superb work on the Boston Marathon Hoax (found at PeeKay Boston channel). Please enjoy my friend Stackpot’s excellent videos on Sandy Hook and the beatles.

Many thanks to my supporters over these many years. I am trying to figure out a way to preserve the 911 archive history I downloaded before archive was closed down. Suggestions are welcome. I have 2 unresolved CR strikes, so cannot upload long videos anymore.

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