Trump: ICE Out of California - Commentary


Patriot Fire


Published on Feb 24, 2018

La Raza and their leftist allies cheered, I'm sure, when Trump threatened to pull ICE out of California. It would be their dream to have ICE leave the state. Trump thinks he ought to be able to dictate the law, like Obama did. His constitutional duty is to enforce the law, as written, in the entire country, not just in some parts of it.

The immigration law states that *all* illegal aliens must be deported. Trump adopted Obama's national sanctuary policy of concentrating mainly on criminals. This is a ruse developed to justify not deporting all illegal aliens. This allows a large majority of illegal aliens to feel relatively safe from being detained and deported. This is actually an informal *sanctuary* policy. Trump has informally granted the great majority of illegal aliens sanctuary to remain here as long as they want, as long as they don't commit serious crimes.

This was the way the original sanctuary laws worked, certain criminals could be deported but, not non-criminals or minor criminals. The goal posts have been successfully shifted in regard to what is a "sanctuary" is, as perceived by the public. Trump and Jeff Sessions now deem a 'sanctuary" to be a governmental entity that does not agree with their own policy on which *criminals* should be deported. Trump and Sessions are actually making a mockery of our immigration law.

It has only been a few years since Obama put this national sanctuary policy in effect of concentrating on serious criminals. However, if it becomes the new, permanent standard -- in total violation of our immigration law -- we will have no control whatsoever over our national sovereignty. At this point Trump is destroying American sovereignty just as surely as Obama was. If you can't control who comes into the country and remains indefinitely, we are not a sovereign nation, but just another province in the global order, controlled by billionaires like Trump and his super rich pals.

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