ALERT: Lou Dobbs Blasts Bill Barr-Cover-up cleared Obama, Biden, Comey & McCabe. Barr is a DS COWARD


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on May 20, 2020

NEWS ALERT: FIRED you say? Talk in DC is that this will happen just after the 2020 elections if William doesn't resign first. If you hired Elton John to replace him there wouldn't be much difference in appearance or substance. Like many of you, we here at InspoNews were a "reluctant" supporter of this AG. We were more than patient and hopeful that the AG could restore confidence in the DOJ & justice system. No longer.The painful truth is this - Bill Barr has betrayed we the people for the last time.

Lou Dobbs & Tom Fitton have seen enough as well calling him "corrupt." We know the President is very concerned as well. His termination almost guaranteed AFTER the November 3rd national election.


Like the prime time FOX News conservative talk shows - people give their speeches & sell their books. They promise big time investigations - "BUCKLE UP" they warn. Really? When all the BS & smoke has cleared , none of the top cats of the Deep State are seriously investigated - let alone summoned before Grand Juries or prosecuted for their high crimes & treason against a duly elected President and the Republic itself.

We know CNN, ABC, MSNBC , WAPO & NYT are long ago fallen to into the clutch of transnational socialism & Trump hate- conservative nationalist hate mania. It's like the DOJ and so called conservative, But we never thought FOX would devolve into a cheerleader, pom pom girl for the GOP Establishment- even on Foxes finest prime time conservative talk shows.
These talking heads have become proficient communicators of tough talk & hype- a conduit for massive book sales for their Russia-gate tomes.

But in the end its all hot air, FOX has become a DS tool - another OPIATE to lull conservatives into some sort of satiated state - yes buckle up patriot - convictions are coming (against small fry only). Bill Barr is the man. All of you take a bow and pat yourselves on the back. That's what they want you to believe - night after night while they flatter themselves and their righteously indignant guest ( pushing their latest book deal) - but its all a freaking mirage.

For all the silver tongued hype and hyperbole- NOT ONE DEEP STATE seditious actor of major import has been seriously investigated, indicted or prosecuted. Only the President, his family, his businesses, his tax returns, his foundations, his campaign fund, his friends, his staffers, his campaign workers, his cabinet members etc, and ad nauseum.

A left wing culture of Beltway SES bureaucrats & civil serpents at the corrupt DOJ, FBI, CIA, SDNY (Southern District of NY etc.) has never ceased in their relentless, unjustified and unfair attack on this good President,

The fact is, a compromised AG & John Durham has dragged their feet far too long.with zero indictments or serious investigations of any of the linchpins of the evil & seditious fake Russia witch hunt. Barr has proven over time that he is no more than a coward who will never prosecute his Deep State friends (for 4 decades) at the corrupt DOJ, FBI & Intel Agencies.

Our White House sources have said that the President was shocked recently to hear of his insane clearing of seditious Barack Obama & dirty Joe Biden - ostensibly because Barr claims "it's an election year & I don't want to prosecute Democrat leadership as AG and appear politically motivated or working for the White House." WHAAT? He had already cleared his long time DS buddies Jim Comey & McCabe, But to allow the fountain head of this whole conspiracy to overthrow the Trump Administration to go untouched by he or Durham was the final straw. It may be after the President is elected to a second term- but Bill Barr will be FIRED by this good President.His main crime? FAILING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP.

But as InspoNews & the Great Lou Dobbs unmistakably point out - too much time has passed - Barr has dragged his feet with his FBI cover up thug friend Chris Wray long enough. Time for Bill Barr to GO!

The President's priorities are putting AMERICA FIRST. President Trump's agenda is visionary and with Solomonic wisdom - he will prosper, protect & defend our great country at all costs.

Call and support this good President today. 1-202-456-1111

Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121
Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555 the President:1-202-456-1111
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