Over 2,500 dead seals found on the shores of Caspian Sea in Dagestan


Pravda Report


Published on Dec 6, 2022

On December 3, thousands of dead seals were found on the coast of the Caspian Sea in Dagestan.
In total, as many as 2,500 dead seals were found. Zaur Gapizov, the Director of the Caspian Conservation Center, suggested that the seals died about two weeks ago. Experts did not find signs of violent death on the bodies of the dead seals. They did not find any fragments of fishing nets either.
Specialists collected samples for a detailed analysis to establish the reason that led to the death of the seals.

For the time being, it is believed that the seals died of distemper virus. This is evidenced by the state of the liver of the studied individuals. Specialists dismiss other versions, such as poisoning by oil products or sewage, as other species would have died as well. However, it is too early to draw conclusions.

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