Progressive Easter - Exploiting Christ for Open-Border Politics


Patriot Fire


Published on Apr 2, 2018

It's ironic that a few Mexicans are praying that others will be able to escape their own country. They seem to agree that Mexico is a hellhole. Friendship Park is on the border in San Diego. The Border Patrol recently limited access on the American side, due to abuse of the park for politics and other purposes. This was intended to be a political Easter Celebration. Few people showed up on the American side, because the number of visitors and visitation time is limited. I counted only 3-4 people were there. Most of them were visiting relatives and not participating in the political Easter event.

Hector Barajas is an US Army Veteran, who is an advocate for veterans, who have been deported. Usually they were illegal aliens, who enlisted to get legal residency and neglect to obtain their citizenship while in the military. Then, they commit a crime and are deported.

There were also a few people flying a large kite in protest of the recent limitation put on the park by the Border Patrol to prevent it's use for anti-American political activities.

A camera crew was there filming a documentary on the deported veterans, which will be called "Ready for War" and it supposed to be out in about a year.

It is common for progressives to use religion to justify revolutionary politics, pitting one class of people against another. The idea that Christ was a warrior for social justice and there would be a utopian "kingdom on earth" created. Traditional Christians have historically designated radical forms of this kind of belief system as "Luciferianism." This kind of messianic belief existed for many centuries before it was formalized and now often called "liberation theology." Not claiming that this ceremony rises to quite that level, but it does seem to be in that direction and just putting it in historical religious context. Let's just say it's a slippery slope from a religious point of view.

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